Presenting the results of the evaluation of effectiveness, efficiency and impact of the implementation of the OPEHR 2014 – 2020 and ESF interventions according to the criteria of regional and local representation and criteria of horizontal principles
After the 15-month-long implementation of the evaluation of effectiveness, efficiency and impact of the implementation of the OP Efficient Human Resources and ESF interventions according to the criteria of regional and local representation and criteria of horizontal principles, the researchers publicly presented the key findings and recommendations
In March 2020, MAP Consulting, in cooperation with WYG Consulting and with support from Ipsos, started the mid-term evaluation with a goal of evaluating effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of the implementation of the OP Efficient Human Resources 2014 – 2020 and ESF interventions according to the criteria of regional and local representation along with the evaluation of horizontal principles. During the 15-month-long in-depth impact evaluation, different methods of data gathering and data analysis were used (including interviews and surveys, counterfactual analysis, content analysis, spatial analysis, case studies, document and databases analysis), and the evaluation was successfully completed with the comprehensive Final report to the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy that will be used in planning the future programme period. The report will be available on the official ESF website ( together with the reports of other evaluations of the OPEHR and ESF operations.
The researchers had an opportunity to present the evaluation’s key findings and recommendations during the public presentation held on 16th June 2021 under the organization of the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy in Hotel Dubrovnik in Zagreb in front of the representatives of bodies included in the Management and Control System, as well as other interested stakeholders. During the first part of the event the researchers presented the key elements of the implementation of the OPEHR operations regarding the criteria of regional and local representation, followed by the part on general questions regarding the OPEHR implementation, and, finally, the presentation on key findings regarding the horizontal principles. After researchers’ presentation, the audience had an opportunity to comment on the presented findings and recommendations as well as to ask for additional clarifications. The event was streamed online, and it is still available on the following link.
Image 1: Presenting the findings and recommendations of the evaluation of effectiveness, efficiency and impact of the implementation of the OPEHR and ESF interventions according to the criteria of regional and local representation and criteria of horizontal principles