This service is intended for clients who have a sound idea, but lack experience or time to prepare their project proposal.
Given our long-term experience in project evaluations, we are well aware of what makes “a good project”. We are therefore qualified to thoroughly guide you through all key phases of your project proposal development, in line with the formal requirements of the Call for applications.
Nonetheless, given that project proposal development is a complex process, the clients need to contribute actively in terms of specific knowledge of their sector and the particularities of their organizations/institutions.
A timely decision on outsourcing project development is key to ensuring the conditions to develop a project proposal of high quality, with the minimum amount of mutual stress!
Phases in service delivery:
- Assessment of compliance of the applicant and his idea with the conditions of the Call
- Consultations during the concept development phase in line with the conditions of the Call and award criteria
- Defining project goals, activities, results and indicators
- Defining the relevance of the project in relation to the goals of the call and strategic international, national, regional and local documents
- Consultations regarding the choice of project partners and definition of their specific roles in the project
- Defining the budget of the project, including consultation on (i)legibility of costs
- Filling-in of the project application form and gathering all annex documents required by the Call
- Packaging and sending of the project proposal
- Consultations during the “budget clearing” process and assisting in drafting other explanations to the Contracting authority prior to signing of the Grant Contract.
This service is intended for clients willing to embark on project proposal development on their own. In the process, we offer a 'second opinion' prior to submitting the project, in order to provide feedback on how to improve your proposal. This service also builds your organization’s capacities for future project proposal development, through a hands-on approach.
The service includes a specified number of our working hours/days necessary to thoroughly review your draft proposal and prepare written and in-person comments
Optimally, the service consists of two phases:
- One brainstorming session to further develop the project idea
- Our written, and, if necessary, additional in-person comments as a result of our review process.