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2nd regional training for evaluators held in Zagreb

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The 2nd regional training in Zagreb brought together young evaluators from the Western Balkan countries with up to 5 years of experience in conducting evaluations, as well as professionals procuring evaluations in the public sector

The second Regional Training for Evaluators, entitled ‘Evaluation of projects, programs and public policies – international methodological knowledge and practical experiences from the region’, was held in Zagreb from 7-9, December 2016, co-organized by the Croatian Evaluation Network (CEN) and the Slovenian Evaluation Society.

This three-day event brought together young evaluators from the Western Balkan countries with up to 5 years of experience in conducting evaluations, as well as professionals procuring evaluations in the public sector, to learn together about new approaches and methods in evaluating projects and programs. The training combined theoretical lectures, presentation of practices, discussions, and small groups exercises.

In the scope of the training, MAP’s director Maja Horvat presented her experience in conducting ex-post evaluations of projects and programs, funded under the European Social Fund (ESF). 

The second biannual regional conference of the Western Balkan evaluators is planned to take place in 2017. Further details will be posted soon.