Current projects

Drafting of the local Strategy for Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in the Municipality of Konavle

Current projects

MAP is hired for strategic planning and drafting of the Strategy for Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in the Municipality of Konavle 2021 - 2025

As a partner on the ESF project Podignimo letvicu visoko (Lift the Bar High), Konavle Municipality is carrying out the process of drafting the new local Strategy for Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in municipality of Konavle 2021 – 2025  to improve the living conditions and possibilities of persons and children with disabilities, as well as their families, living in this area. In this context, MAP is hired to provide a service of strategic planning and to coordinate the process of drafting this strategic document. More precisely, MAP is tasked to coordinate the working group of experts, to facilitate their meetings, to provide support and counseling during the drafting process and to ensure an output of a coherent strategic document.

Before the drafting began, the Konavle Municipality ordered a research on a representative sample of municipality’s citizens in order to question their attitudes and awareness of rights and opportunities of persons and children with disabilities in their local community. Also, a public round table was organized and hosted presentations by representatives of several relevant state, regional and local institutions and civil society whose work directly influences the status and realization of rights of the target group in Konavle and its county. Alongside them, MAP CEO presented to the interested public the process and priorities of the Strategy in question. After the lectures, the round table was concluded with a discussion on priority areas and problems in the context of the municipality. The goal of these activities which preceded the drafting of the Strategy was to recognize the priority areas and challenges with which persons and children with disabilities, and their families are confronting in their everyday lives in order to make sure that the Strategy will offer concrete solutions in jurisdiction of the Municipality.

Image 1: Round table on the topic of "Rights and status of persons with disability in Konavle Municipality”. Source: Konavle Municipality

After the mentioned activities and with the professional support provided by MAP, the working group of experts intensified the work of suggesting and discussing the scope and measures of the Strategy. Currently, the process of drafting is ongoing, and the final Strategy will be presented through the public consultation process prior to its adoption and coming into force.

Image 2: Second meeting of the expert work group for the drafting of the Strategy